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Whether you want to find out more about our ready-to-deploy platform or custom solutions, we would love to hear from you.

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Rua de Godim, 389. 4300-394 Porto, Portugal

Frequently Asked Questions

What brands of wind turbines are compatible with Enlitia’s AI Platform?

All brands are compatible with our platform, seamlessly integrating its data.

How does the algorithm ecosystem work?

An algorithm ecosystem is a group of interdependent algorithms that work together to achieve a common goal or solve a particular problem, adding value to the businesses. Similar to a natural ecosystem, an algorithm ecosystem consists of different types of algorithms and computational tools that perform specific functions and interact with each other in complex ways. These interactions may include sharing data and results between algorithms, combining outputs, or even modifying the behaviour of other algorithms based on their own results. You can check more information here.

How long does it take to complete Enlitia’s AI Platform setup?

You can be using our platform in a matter of hours, right after we finish the Data Integration! First, we usually book a call and make a quick demo, so you can see the platform in action. After that, we just have to integrate all the assets’ data, which can take up to 7 days. After all data is integrated, we are ready to start the first training session and data validation, so you can start unlocking the value of all data available.

What brands of solar panels and inverters are compatible with Enlitia's AI Platform?

All inverters and solar panels are compatible with our platform and easily connected.

What is the price of Enlitia’s AI Platform?

We take into consideration the number of assets that are going to be integrated into our platform (MW) and the algorithms the customers choose to integrate. Those are the two main variables in our pricing model.

The pricing model is a fixed monthly fee. Custom solutions can vary according to each deal and solution: it can be a one-time purchase or different charging moments throughout the development phases, for example.

What if Enlitia’s AI Platform doesn’t fit my specific needs?

If you think that our platform may not be a right fit for your needs, reach out to us! Usually, one of two things happens: together we find out that our platform can make sense for your business, or we develop a custom solution to meet your specific needs, 100% aligned with your project.

Is there any support available during the onboarding process?

Yes, there is! Enlitia’s customers are always guided by one of our amazing Key Account Managers to support you in every step of the process. Even when the onboarding process is over, you can always reach out for any kind of help regarding our platform or custom solution! Together we strive for greatness.

How long does it take to deploy a custom solution?

Bearing in mind that each custom solution is different and has specific needs and challenges, this process can vary. Usually, we follow these three steps: First Briefing, taking just a few hours; Needs Assessment, where we define the technologies and approach – it can take up to 3 or 4 weeks; Custom Solution Deployment, after 3 to 6 months of training the models to guarantee accurate results.